
A Long Walk on the Beach

A Long Walk on the Beach

G and t 

G&T, as I know them, is a very apt name for this couple who took me down to Devon for their engagement shoot which was totally hijacked by their dogs.

It was a crisp January morning and before we headed out to the beach we made sure to have a delicious breakfast with all the works - little did we know that we would need it by the end of the shoot! Having never visited this specific beach before I was going off the knowledge of G and taking her lead on where might be a good spot to shoot from. We were contending with the low sun a bit, but that was not about to stop us. We ended up walking from one end of the beach and back again, but I was so glad that we did. At the end of the beach was a breakwater which pointed directly into the sun and allowed us to capture the silhouette style shots.

The low and very bright sun meant that squinting and over exposure could have been a potential issue for us. We came up with a plan as there were a few clouds in the sky; for the shots where we were walking along the beach, as soon as a cloud came over, G and T were to turn and look for me and we managed to use those glimpses of shade to capture some of the shots where they are looking directly at the camera. 

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